Monday, 13 December 2010

My final Magazine

This is my final front page of my magazine, i can proudly say i think it worked very well with my genre and i think it is very suitable for my audience. i used powerpoint, paint and photoshop to create this and the images to go with it. 

This is my contents page that i managed to put together, i used navy colours throught the whole page and created the contents down the left hand side. i didnt make the numbers too big as i didnt want to take up the whole page with this. i used appropriate font and kept it simple but neat.

My final page was my double page spread where i done a short interview with the main celebrity that was headlines on the front, i used appropriate colours and font for this as it fit in well with the genre and the image i was trying to go for with the 'barbie' look. i think it worked very well and in my oppinion is one of my best pages.

Photo's that i used for my final magazine

i have cropped out the images that i took and used for my magazine so i can explain why i think these worked and fitted in well with my type of genre i was using.

i took this and used this for my double page spread as i was making an interview of a celebrity that was made out to be something she's not through the public. As i made it clear people think of her as a barbie i tried to make the image as close to fit those headlines as possible by getting her to stand infront of a barbie poster and edit it to make it stand out.

For the contents page i took a shoot of two original girls posing to give the contents page of the magazine quite a good effect. They are dressed in high fashion which fits in well with my genre and R&B style of the magazine. i used the navy colours for this.

For the front page i needed a main celebrity to cover up most of the front page so i took a single shot of a friend to make her the main celebrity of the magazine. i dressed her to be like how any other R&B celeb would dress and i think it fit very nicely to what i was trying to aim towards for my final piece.

these were smaller images that i planned to possition in the corner of the front page, where i would follow the pics by a headline of what is being published inside of the magazine. i thought the photo's worked well as i used them to show 'caught in action' cam shots of what most audiences want to see and read about with there favourite celebs.

Possible Fonts and Colour themes

I began looking into possible fonts and colour themes for my magazine and made some ideas that I have kept linked to music. As i have used a R&B genre of music, i have kept this in mind when i started to look at the right kinds of fonts i would like to use.

this font is arial, which is one of my favourites and i think would work well in my magazine, it's neat and simple but is good for making big titles. i have also made a possible colour of this font pink as my magazine is quite girly.

Calibri is also another good possible font as it is also neat and good for headlines and titles. i have chosen to do one of the colours of this green as i think that colour would work well in the magazine.

Cambria is a pretty text and would be good for writing out information, it would still also be good for titles and headlines, i have done of the fonts in navy blue and made it bold as i think this would be very affective and stand out well on the magazine.

even thought these fonts are very different and can be pretty, i dont think they are appropriate for my type of magazine as they are quite childish fonts and would not look so good in the type of magazine i am looking to go for.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Possible interview questions

  1. Do you enjoy what you do?
  2. do you make your own music?
  3. how close are you to your family?
  4. how are you with your fans?
  5. what kind of style are you trying to go for?
  6. when are you next touring?
  7. what is the best thing about doing what you do?
  8. how is your love life?
  9. do you read what the press reads about you? how do you deal with it?
  10. do you think your new album is going to be big? what inspired you to do this album
  11. is being a big star as good as everyone makes it out to be?
  12. do you have any regrets in whilst you have been in th emusic buisness?
  13. who is your inspiration?
  14. any last words?

Planning Photoshoots and locations

To help me decide on possible images that i could use for my magazine I looked at other images of people and celebrities that have been used for music magazines. Then i looked at possible costumes and props I may need, i also looked at different locations these could be at.



As i have made a decision to do the genre as RnB i have used the models clothing and location to help show this. The above images are of similar images of those I would like to take, each showing the model in a different location or position on the screen and I have used them to help me think of ideas for images within my magazine.


  • Microphone  
  • Headphones 
  • chairs/table 
  • fluffy rug      


  • Bedroom      
  • empty room
  • forrest          
  • studio           
  • living room  
  • outdoors      
  • club              

Costume ideas

  • laced tights with big heels and a top
  • short dress with big heels                  
  • ripped tights with boots                     
  • chunky jewelery                                  
  • shorts and crop top                             

Layout of contents page for my magazine

Layout of front page for my magazine

Possible names for my media mag.

i began to look at different names that i could call my magazine, i have my favourite which are linked to the genre of my RnB magazine. i kept the names suitable for this.

BGM (bare good music)




Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Premlim Task

I had to create a school magazine to help show that i have full understanding of what is expected from the magazine I will be creating for my final product. I used Microsoft Publisher for this and I had to produce my own suitable image for the product.

Above is the front page of my prelim task; I used this to help with my research and planning and to help me understand the basic codes and conventions in which will be expected from me to fulfil in my main task.

This was a my  contents page which would come after the front cover in the school magazine. I produced this to show that I understood what was expected from the contents page and to help me look into the best way to set it out to suit my target audience when i come to creating my main magazine.